Members of Explorers come from many different countries and backgrounds. This month Kyoko and Ainon have both contributed to the writeup.
When we were so looking forward to spending the day outdoors on an Orchard Farm, the sight of rain first thing in the morning made us a little nervous. Some of us quickly went to a shop to buy umbrellas.
Nine of us in three cars departed Cendana, discovering that I had forgotten to write the address of ISKL… …fortunately Pam explained on the phone and the panic was over. We all followed Ainon’s car.
At the Police station at Hulu Langat, Jeanie, Julia, and Christine were waiting for our cars and we all drove in convoy from there.
Good sunshine appearing made sure that potential disaster turned into a wonderful day. (Barb who stayed home with an injured toe had prayed for sunshine.)
The lovely people at the Orchard put so much effort into making us all welcome, serving fresh mangosteen during the tour.
Suparna kept offering to take photos, many of us were acting like school kids walking around so excited.
Ainon kept translating into English, trying to answer questions. Some of us were too busy taking photos and didn’t pay attention. (Now we can’t blame our children for not listening to their teachers!)
The farmers even showed us the free range chicken , just before we were served lunch…free-range chicken…

Fortunately it looked so appealing that all of us ladies elegantly enjoyed (the cruel but yummy) lunch. The chicken was cooked with homemade coconut milk, together with bamboo shoots, tapioca leaves, rice and gorgeous fish. All of us agreed that it was the best Malaysian cuisine we have ever tried!
Freshly cut Durian, the King of Fruits, was served as a dessert. Some said yummy, some said yuck! (This was the only thing we didn’t all agree on.) Mustaffa, Nor Fauzi and his wife Eli Mutofiyah showed us warm hospitality and looked after us with much care.
Wonderful company, beautiful scenery, an awesome day all round, thank you all who contributed to make it such a great tour!
Written by Kyoko Rabbett

Yes, the orchard exploration trip was fun. I think participants now have a better idea of what a village orchard (not a commercial orchard) looks like and how the villagers live. I think participants now know what the various fruit trees look like, too. What I found funny was everyone clicking away at the durian fruits on the tree, later jostling for position to take photographs of the farmer opening the fruits and then taking more photographs of the durian flesh. After that, no one ate them! I guess people cannot get used to the smell and taste of the durian.
The lunch was kampong lunch, all fresh ingredients – free-range chicken, bamboo shoots and tapioca shoots. Even the coconut milk came from the coconuts on the farm.
Two people asked if there were eggs from the free-range kampung chickens. It so happened that the farmers had ten that day and two people came away with five each.
Written by Ainon Ali
Photographs contributed by Kyoko Rabbetts and Monica Kroenig