Enak! Annual (Malaysian & International) PotLuck held 9th November, 2023 at the home of Corinne Sibert Foong!

Bravo to our host, Enak! Co-Convenor Corinne Sibert, for all her hard work in making our Enak! Annual PotLuck 2023 a success. She did a magical job of transforming her home to accommodate 45 Enakkers with everything available and in place…perfectly organised! The setting and ambiance were welcoming, cosy and most comfortable. Thanks also goes to our Enak! Convenor Santhi, who, together with Enak! Team member Rosemary Chin, spent many days working on this event. Sincere thanks also to the many Enak! volunteers who were early at Corinne’s to help out.
It was a pleasure to watch Enakkers proudly lay out their labelled platters and dishes on the various buffet tables. It was also a pleasure to see everyone enjoy and taste the wonderful variety of food from Malaysia and Nations beyond, as far as Suriname and Bulgaria. We had delicious Appetisers, Salads, Mains and an overflowing array of Sweets and Desserts. There was plenty to enjoy and lots left to ‘ bungkus’ at the end. Much thanks to all who attended for all their help and support. Just sorry we had a couple of Enakkers who couldn’t attend last minute. You were missed!
Terima Kasih again to Lai Meng who generously contributed her hand sewn tissue holders and a hat for the lucky draw.
The Enak! Annual Malaysian and International Potluck is an event that I always look forward to. I was super happy that I could make it this year. What a beautiful memory to be had. The large spread of yummy food/desserts, free flow of drinks/coffee/tea, happy faces, positive atmosphere, the surprised “farewell” for Rosemary, the warm welcome to Santhi, and the surprised Happy Birthday celebration for Patricia (song by Astrid and cake from Christine). It was just amazing! Thank you everyone for your contributions and presence. Thank you Corinne for opening your big house for this event. Thank you Rosemary and Santhi for making this Potluck a big success!
Ay Ling
Always such a joy to be with dear Enak! friends and wonderful to have new Enakkers join the feast. Every dish was lovingly selected and absolutely delicious. As usual Enakkers are so generous that we all had our fill and still there was plenty to take home.
Many thanks to our amazing host, Corinne and the many helpers. A special shout out to dear Rosemary retiring from front of house to a seat at the table. Welcome to your new role Shanti, your energy and verve will continue Enak! in the style to which we have become accustomed! Enjoy your well-earned change of pace Rosemary.
Bravo and Terima Kasih.
Margaret Cheng
Write Up- Contributors, Liem Ayling, Margaret Cheng & Rosemary Chin
Photos taken by KY Lee, Julie Goh, Jagdev Kaur, Ayling Liem, Christine & Rosemary.Thank you to Michael Foong who took the Group Photos