Annual Enak! Malaysian & International Potluck held on Thursday, November 3rd 2022

Ribuan Terima Kasih, A Thousand Thanks to our two triple A Teams, Melanie McFeeter & her most efficient staff plus Vivin Sjamsir and the Enak! Annual Potluck Team. The lunch was fabulous in every way!…from the classy setting and ambiance to the thoughts and pride put into the variety of Malaysian and International food that our Enakers shared. So proud of Enak!’s ‘ chefs and food lovers.
It was a pleasure to watch Enakers enjoy and taste the variety of food laid out on the buffet table. We had delicious appetisers, salads, mains, (some finger licking good buffalo wings with a variety of dipping sauces) and the ‘ to die for’ desserts. There wwas plenty to enjoy and lots of food left to bungkus as well.
Thanks to all attendees in making this Enak! Potluck one to remember and savour!
Pat Chia says…“ The Enak!! Annual Malaysian & International Potluck on 3 November 2022 at the Multi-Purpose Room of the U Thant Residence truly lived up to its reputation of bringing together the flavours of the world. Thirty-five Enakers brought their favourite food from different countries, literally covering all continents. Among the many delicious foods, there was the British Sticky Toffee Pudding, Sri Lankan sambals and curries, Japanese Sushi, Italian and Russian salads, Indonesian ‘ Cantek manis’ and Balinese chicken, Malaysian roast duck, ‘ popiah’ and ‘ tong sui’ ( a Chinese sweet soup).
Someone overheard me saying that the amount of food I have eaten will cover even my dinner! It was a joy to share these foods prepared with care and love from Enakers.”
And Margaret Cheng recalls…“ I was astounded by the many dishes from all over the world that were provided by our keen and talented Enak! group. The emphasis was definitely on the luck part of potluck. Foods familiar and foods unknown delighted all of us. Each of us had our personal favourites and our quest was to eat as much as we could – no mean feat considering there must have been more than 60 dishes on offer. See the photos to find your favourite. One star attraction was: build your own ‘popiah’. Doreen Tan and Vivien Wong explained the ingredients, gave a demonstration and set us off to build, and build we did. Delicious!
U Thant Residence provided a beautiful backdrop to our feast. Team Melanie and Team Enak! decorated the room with style and the ambience of ‘shiny, happy people’ celebrating diversity and harmony was joyous
Terima kasih to everyone who made the feast possible!”
Pat Chia, Margaret Cheng & Rosemary Chin