Hosted By Antoinette Gustini
Antoinette Gustini kindly hosted a classic Italian lunch: comprising of an antipasto (before the meal), a primo (first course – usually a pasta), a secondo (second or main course, usually including meat, poultry or fish), a contorno (a side dish accompanying the secondo, usually vegetables or salad) and a dolce course (dessert), plus cheese and coffee. Antoinette added that Italian food is all about using as few ingredients as possible, to maintain their integrity and to use the best quality of produce available!
Antoinette was so gracious to share her table with 12 Enakkers on the 12th Sept! As she said she “loved cooking for us and let us indulge a little in the finer things in life; It’s one of the greatest privileges to be able to prepare and share a love of good food, cooked simply and with care for enthusiastic, appreciative guests!”
She outdid herself and I will let Enakkers’s comments and photos say it all!!
“Could you please add my huge congratulations to Antoinette for the most scrumptious meal she made for us today. I don’t know when I have eaten so much and enjoyed so much either. The ice-cream was out of this world “
“Today’s Enak! Xtra was truly special! I really enjoyed the sumptuous full-course Italian lunch prepared by our very own in-house Chef, Antoinette! “
“Special thanks to Antoinette for such an amazing meal. You have now set the bar so high… And of course, I enjoyed the company…”
“Grazie mille to Antoinette for hosting today’s Enak! Xtra and spoiling us! I loved it!
…thanks for a great experience! “
“I had such a great time. Gosh, the delicious and glorious food!
Thank you Antoinette! Thank you Enak! Thank you MCG! “

A note on Enak Xtra: –
The Enak Xtra event which may happen once or twice a year is for members who want to contribute by hosting an event in their homes or other venues. These may be from a wider regional area than the scope of Enak! objectives, enabling members to share and experience cuisine from other areas beyond Malaysia.
Submitted by Rosemary Chin